Journal of Creation single back issue 29:3

Includes a FREE digital/online issue

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When you purchase this back issue you will also receive a FREE digital edition which can be viewed online and optionally downloaded (as a PDF file).

The 128–page journal covers a wide spectrum of studies, not just science. Powerful articles have appeared on topics such as philosophy, theology, history, archaeology, social sciences and many more. This is a great complement to Creation magazine, providing in-depth material from many experts in their field to satisfy the enquiring mind.

Purchasing a quantity of back issues will equip you with a variety of subject matter to confound the scoffers.

If you wish to purchase an assortment of back issues then we suggest you purchase Assorted Back Issues [90-4-bak]. You will be able to select the exact issues and quantities of each that you require. You will also receive the bulk price discount for your entire selection.

View this issue’s table of contents

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