Evolution's Achilles' Heels (Chinese)

Subtitles and audio in Chinese only

MP4 Video
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Product Audience:

High School-Adult

Fifteen Ph.D. Scientists

96 Minutes

MP4 Video

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1080p MP4

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Visually stunning animations and dramatic footage help to show how the theory’s supposed strengths are, in fact, its fatal flaws—Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels.

Like no other work that we are aware of, fifteen Ph.D. scientists collaborated to produce a coordinated, coherent, powerful argument. All of the contributors received their doctorates from similar secular universities as their evolutionary counterparts. Each is a specialist in a field relevant to the subject: Natural selection, origin of life, geology, genetics, radiometric dating, the fossil record, cosmology, and ethics.

Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels directly demolishes the very pillars of the belief system that underpins our now-secular culture—evolutionary naturalism. It’s coupled with the Biblical command to reach the lost with the Bible’s Good News. In a nutshell, it’s a comprehensive outreach tool like no other.

Subtitles and audio in Chinese only.

See also a whole page more info about this title (inc FREE study guide) at creation.com/evolutions-achilles-heels.

This is a 1.5gb 1080p MP4 video file which needs to be downloaded to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you can watch it. The software/program needed to watch the video will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

No part of this can be reproduced without permission.

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